Technical Program
The 39th North American Conference on Molecular Beam Epitaxy (NAMBE 2025) is a prominent international forum for reporting scientific and technological developments in Molecular Beam Epitaxy research. It will take place August 25-27, 2025, at the Hyatt Regency Tamaya Resort, Santa Ana Pueblo (Albuquerque, New Mexico).
The conference showcases important results from fundamental materials and device research, through technological applications, and into high-volume and low-cost production. NAMBE features the presentations of the Art Gossard MBE Innovator Award, the NAMBE Young Investigator Award, the Best Student Paper awards, and the Jim Harris MBE Scientific Discovery Award.
In addition to a diverse technical program, vendors will exhibit the latest equipment available for material growth and characterization. The exhibit will surround the coffee breaks and poster presentations, providing many opportunities for discussions between attendees and vendors. There will also be a job board.
During the weekend preceding the conference, we offer an exclusive workshop and a student-focused tutorial. The workshop will be held August 23-24, 2025, and will feature invited talks on epitaxial growth of emerging emitter technologies with a focus on single photon emitters, LEDs, and lasers. In addition, a tutorial session will be held on the afternoon of August 23, 2025, with a student-focused discussion of growth and data analysis-related concepts by industry and academia experts.