Abstract Deadline Extended to:
Contributed papers are invited for the 39th North American Conference on Molecular Beam Epitaxy (NAMBE 2025). The meeting will be held at the Hyatt Tamaya Resort, Santa Ana Pueblo (Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA) from August 25-27, 2025. All topics related to molecular beam epitaxy are welcome. Please see the abstract submission guidelines and topic list below.
Abstract Submission Guidelines
Before signing up or logging into the online system, please review all of the following steps to ensure you have the information needed to complete the Online Abstract Submission Form.
Step 1
Please Note the Following Requirements Prior to Submission:
- If you are planning to submit multiple abstracts, presenters are limited to one oral and one poster presentation for the Conference. They must be two DIFFERENT abstracts – not the same abstract submitted as both an oral and a poster.
- You will need to agree to the copyright agreement. Note: there are currently no plans for audio or video recording; however, this language is included as a precautionary measure, but you would be notified in advance should this change.
Step 2
Select a topic that best matches your abstract from the list below with the understanding that your abstract may fit well in multiple topics.
Step 3
Fill out the abstract content and author details in the system (abstract 2,700 characters max. including punctuation and spacing; you may also submit a supplemental 1 page PDF file containing any graphs, charts or pictures you wish to include).
Step 4
Please click the Submit Abstract button below and complete the Online Abstract Submission Form.
Questions? E-mail della@avs.org.
Conference Topics
Science and Technology of MBE (ST):
- ST1: Fundamentals of MBE Growth
- ST2: MBE Growth Modifications
- ST3: Materials Characterization
- ST4: MBE Technology (e.g. In Situ Monitoring)
- ST5: MBE as a Production Technology
- ST6: Science and Technology of MBE Poster Session
Novel Materials (NM):
- NM1: III-Arsenides, Antimonides, Phosphides
- NM2: III-Nitrides
- NM3: II-VI Materials
- NM4: Group IV Materials
- NM5: Oxides
- NM6: Heteroepitaxy
- NM7: Hybrid Materials
- NM8: Low Dimensional Nanostructures
- NM9: Van der Waals Materials
- NM10: Highly-mismatched Alloys
- NM11: Other Materials
- NM12: Novel Materials Poster Session
MBE-Grown Devices (GD):
- GD1: Photonic Devices
- GD2: Electronic Devices
- GD3: Solar Cells
- GD4: Thermoelectrics
- GD5: Spintronics
- GD6: Quantum Computing
- GD7: Device Physics
- GD8: MBE-Grown Devices Poster Session
Author Notification
Acknowledgment that your abstract has been submitted will follow by e-mail shortly after submission. Notifications regarding acceptance will be sent by e-mail by April 10, 2025.